colors · eco-dyed clothing · musings

Is Bigger Better? The Ancient Art of Decisions

Usually, when we think of our contemporary culture, we believe ourselves to be the pinnacle of humanity—in particular when it comes to our material goods. We assume to have the most advanced technologies when it comes to production of our things. But what if that wasn’t actually true? Since I’m into textiles, I like to… Continue reading Is Bigger Better? The Ancient Art of Decisions

colors · dye profile · eco-dyed clothing · musings · Uncategorized

Getting The Blues Part II—The Studio Odyssey

Last week, in my initial discussion about the color blue, I mentioned that one of the first inspirations for my fascination may have come from my childhood neighbor, who was a fiber artist. Nancy lived at the end of our lane, and I would walk my 9-year-old self down there with an armload of homegrown… Continue reading Getting The Blues Part II—The Studio Odyssey

eco-dyed clothing · musings · regional fiber

Fiber to Frock: The Fashion Revolution & Community Supported Cloth

What better time to talk about local textiles and Community Supported Cloth than Fashion Revolution Week? If you are wondering what Fashion Revolution Week is, it’s a designated opportunity to ask, “Who made my clothes?” and find out about where our textiles come from and how they are made. But be warned, it’s not pretty.… Continue reading Fiber to Frock: The Fashion Revolution & Community Supported Cloth

musings · wellness

Creatives: Multiple Interests Can Actually Increase Your Productivity

As creatives, we always have a bunch of ideas. And then, inevitably, the situation arises when we attempt to choose to focus on just one thing. For a long time I thought I had to choose. In my experience, I’d enjoy painting for a while, then writing would beg for attention. I felt flaky and… Continue reading Creatives: Multiple Interests Can Actually Increase Your Productivity

dye profile · musings

Natural Dyes as Open Source Color

We’ve heard of GMO companies that patent seeds or genomes. Then there are the patent trolls, those who purchase patents on which others’ technology is allegedly-based, then sue for its use. You may also have heard of Anish Kapoor, the artist who obtained the exclusive right to use the nanotech pigment known as Vantablack –… Continue reading Natural Dyes as Open Source Color